Wednesday, February 27, 2019

6th and 7th Hour

Thanks for completing the following:

1. Cut and glue the packet into your notebook. Rip apart the packet and glue each individual page into your notebook. Please be sure to title this "Experimental Design" and put this is your table of contents too! Thank you so much for returning my glue and scissors!

2. Login to MyPLTW lesson 1.1

3. Read Career Connections down at the bottom of this lesson.

4. In your notebook:

    a. brainstorm three other medical professionals that can take vitals.

    b. answer the following questions:

  1. What could cause you to have higher or lower than average vital readings?
  2. How might a patient’s blood pressure be impacted if they’re nervous being in a doctor’s office or emergency room? Why might it be good to check a patient’s blood pressure more than once during their visit?
  3. Why is it important to get a resting respiratory rate as a vital sign rather than a rate while a person is active?
5. Read about the Experimental Design that you glued into your notebook.

6. Complete the Experimental Design Practice Problems in lesson 1.2. There are 4 different experiments to read with questions that follow. Please be sure to hit submit when all are completed.
*If you cannot find it on your PLTW, in the search bar type "Experimental Design Practice Problems" and it should pop up!

7. Finish any vitals/experiments from Day 1, 2 or 3 that are not complete!

Thank you,
Mrs. R.

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